I've been on Twitter for only a few months, I think I signed up for an account just before the holiday season of 2008. Anyway, when you sign up and make a profile, they give you a few choices of how you would like to design your profile page and with some tweaks you can make your page look nice. But, I got a "Tweet" from someone I am following on there and they sent me to a site that let's you design your own 'Custom' background and even gives you a video tuutorial on how to design it using the tools on their site before you start. So here it is, check it out at http://prettytweet.com/ and after you're done you can actually have them install it for you by just placing your Twitter ID and password in the box provided and poof.. It's Done. For $5.00 you can have them eliminate their little ad that says "Designed by PrettyTweet.com, but it's small and cute, so I decided to leave it on. Anyway, why not give them some credit for providing a cool service. :) Brenda~
Posted by Ms.. Prince | 6:02 PM | Backgrounds,Cool Themes,Free Stuff,Free Twitter backgrounds,Twitter Backgrounds0 comments |